
Location: Mpls, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A Quick T. Schiavo thought

Just to exemplify the twisted law laid down by this Florida District Court Judge Greer, think about this: if I were in Terri's room and gave the nurse a drink of my water, fine, but if I give Terri Schiavo a drink of my water I'm a criminal.

This is insane, and every American can see it. The Judiciary has ascended to supremacy over the executive and legislative branches of gov't, the exact opposite and the fear of our Founding Fathers.

But fear not, by the Judiciary's extreme arrogance, and their power grab, that will be their ultimate doom.

This case has become so high profile everyday citizens are paying attention, and are outraged that this Judge has defied the clear will of the U.S. Congress, a backlash is inevitable.

ps. Remember this:Terri Schiavo has been living for 13 days now, even though Mr. Evil (her "husband") said she"wants" to die.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

T. Shiavo, I know you're thinking...

that I'm beating this to death, but I think it's not only important, but it will linger in our national debate for years.

For a woman who's husband claims she would want to die, she has lived without food and water for 12 days!

Some so called "normal people" die after only 7 days without food or water, Lord knows I'd die after 3 days without beer!

Now there's talk that FL Gov. Jeb Bush was ready to send in State Troopers to save Terri, but when local law enforcement decided they would defend the decision of the megalomaniac Judge Greer, they backed off.

This has become a Constitutional crisis, maybe by accident.

Just think about this, a District court judge (just for argument, is a mental midget) is saying stop feeding Terri.

Then the United States Congress (the #1 body of the American people, the one our Founding Fathers had set up to be THE most powerfull governing body) speaks; and all it asks is for Judge Greer to reinstate the the feeding tubes to Terri, while the legal battles continue.

That judge refused to enforce that clear directive.

Folks, a meltdown is coming...

Just think about this in context: a district judge is telling an American mother, while defying a Congressional order, that she can not see, or tend to her daughter's most basic needs. She is held back by American police, from even giving her daughter a drop of water to live.

How ridiculous have we become?

Monday, March 28, 2005

Maureen Dowd Smackdown

The one thing I have to say on New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd's behalf, is at least she's consistent.

She's consistently wrong.

She came out over the weekend with a nearly unparalleled, hysterically specious screed.

I could literally debunk every paragraph of twisted misstatements she spews out, but being I'm writing this pro bono, I'll just pick out a couple of the most flatly egregious mischaracterizations.

Now readers of this space know my feelings about Terri Schiavo, and just by looking at the video of her, it’s obvious to me she’s trapped in a physical situation she’s crying to get out of.

Now that’s my humble opinion, but it’s also the opinion of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R), who it just so happens, is an M.D.

Ms. Dowd claims he’s “become a laughingstock by trying to re-diagnose Schiavo’s condition by video.”

Only at your cocktail parties Maureen, not in the real America.

It also drives me crazy that liberals object to the House of Representatives passing their bill directing the Florida court to basically stop her death, and reinsert the feeding tube until new information about her case can be reviewed. They were only asking for the same due process any death row inmate would get.

But liberals are trying to turn this around and say conservatives are being hypocritical because they’re turning their backs on the principle of federalism, which is patently false and liberals know it, but they think they smell blood in the water.

All they really smell is their own aroma from the toasting they received in the last election (actually the last 3, if you count the ’02 Congressional elections), and unfortunately for them, what they think is the smell of victory, is really the smell of endless defeats.

After Terri dies, there’s going to be an upheaval in American politics.

And the Democrat party had better stock up on nose clips, because they’re going to be covered with the stench of death yet again, and their predictable decline will continue unabated into the meat grinder of history.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Now, I'm not saying, but I'm just saying about Terri Schiavo...

What if she dies around 3 pm tomorrow?

On Good Friday!

Somewhat like Jesus, totally defenseless, killed by the state, and in a crucifiction of sorts: starvation.

Similarly, like warnings before Jesus’ impending death came, Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ comes out a year before, and was re-released last week.

Could it possibly be that God has sent his only son back, as his only daughter?

I’m just thinking out loud here.

I may need to rent “The Passion,” as I’ve never seen it.

ps. To lighten things up a bit...That reminds me of a true story about the greatest comedian of all time: W.C. Fields. As he was on his deathbed, he was visited by an old friend who was surprised at what he found: Fields was reading the Bible.

He: said "Bill, you've never been a religious man, why are you reading the Bible now?"

Fields: "I'm looking for loopholes."

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

New Post Comments Rebuttle/ Then Shiavo III

Maybe some people, like, say "seabee41," should start his own he may soon be banned here. :)

Now, "mrs seabee41," on the otherhand, makes cogent, coherent arguments.

To amplify her points, if you murder 1, 2, 3, or 40 people, you get endless due process in the court system. They make extra, extra sure that every legal procedure has been followed to the letter, even if it takes 30 years.

Now, Mrs. Shaivo has never even had an attorney to represent her, nor has she even had an MRI.

I hear more and more MD's say she does not exude the typical characteristics of a typical "Persistent Vegitative State" patient, yet she's never had legal counsel to say this.

Again, what is the hurry to kill her?

Hmmm, and if her husband (oh yeah, who has 2 kids and is living with another woman) is interested in a big life insurance policy, is it really so surprising?

Many opponents of the death penalty argue that any inflicted death, is a death by "cruel & unusual punishment."

Anytime the state kills anyone convicted of murder, even by leathal injection, they say it's "cruel & unusual punishment."

Now, that said: I can not make it 6 hours without food (and rumor abounds it's 3 hours for this "seabee41",) yet Terri Schiavo has been starved by our Gov't for 6 days now. Think of that again the next time liberals bring up the compassion issue, they are starving to death someone who would not otherwise die.

Is this not the most cruel and unusual punishment any Gov't could impose on a living, breathing citizen?

And yes folks, she is not on a ventilator, she breathes as long as she gets gets food and water- just like you and I do!

I keep weighing the reasons every Clinton appointed judge defies the President & the Congress to make sure we end her life, it defies logic.

Maybe they're jealous of Terri's higher I.Q.

(My apologies for being facetious there, but I absolutley can not understand Democrats' seaming recalcitrance to lift a finger to help this suffering woman.)

A prediction: if Terri dies because of the Democrats'legal hurdles, ones they don't even place in front of death row inmates; you are going to see more back peddling than the clowns at the circus.

And also, my vainglorious hope is by his continued rapture with this site, my friend Fenton will make a full recovery. (Just the word vainglorious may help.)

Monday, March 21, 2005

The Terri Schiavo case...

This isn't something I would normally even get involved in, but so many people (on blogs and in the press) are making comments that are so completely vacuous, that they've grated my will to the degree I must respond.

The gloves are now off.

Today, the President and the Congress have taken steps to keep Terri alive, why Democrats oppose this we may never fully understand.

What is the hurry to kill this woman?

But if one more commentator says something to the effect of "I sympathize with Mrs. Schiavo, but I don't like the fact that the Gov't is getting involved. They should be focused on the War, not be involving themselves with peoples' personal business,"
I am going to scream (sorry neighbors)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why I have to point out the unbelievably obvious point is beyond me. I'm going to try to be gentle here, now, who do you think signs the paycheck of the judge who ordered Terri’s feeding tube pulled?

THE GOV’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Gov’t, via that judge, has already made the decision she should die.

Do you know she hasn't even had an MRI yet! But one Clinton appointed judge in Florida want's to kill her!

Which begs the question, why are Democrats so eager to see her die? Rep. Jim Davis of Florida said any congressional action to keep her alive is “a clear threat to our democracy.”

Exactly how Jim?

Does anyone else see the irony? If a man goes out and murders 4 people, and then confesses to it, liberals will avail every single legal option to save his life, yet here, they try to block every single option to save her.

Has the Democrat party finally become a demonic cult of death?

What is going on here?

I’ve seen Mrs. Schiavo on T.V., her eyes will follow an object, you can tell she tries to smile, and you can tell she’s nearly bursting to talk.

She may have some diminished brain function, but this woman is alive, and clearly wants to live, but Democrats want Gov’t, via a judge, to kill her.

O.K. Democrats, are you saying there is an I.Q. test to be allowed to live now?

Who sets that bar?

And think about this, if you fools set it at say 60, you’ll wipe out your voter base.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Goodbye Dan Rather,

and good riddance, sir.

This man is the most pathetic excuse for a “journalist” in the country.

I make that claim not because he says things on a national news broadcast like “This race is hotter than a Laredo parking lot,” or “This race is hotter than a Times Square Rolex,” no, I make this claim because he has a completely liberal bias that he refuses to acknowledge.

When asked why he thinks he has so many conservative critics he responded: “I am independent and fiercely independent.”

Yeah, so independent that he was the keynote speaker at a Texas Democrat fundraiser a few years back.

Yeah Dan, that’s strong sign of your so-called fierce independence.

But let’s face it, the most telling episode of his ridiculously left wing agenda was his personal attempt to keep George W. Bush from being re-elected in 2004, in the so-called Bush National Guard records story he aired just weeks before the election.

It goes without saying that the CBS news division is infected with liberalism like a cancer, so it’s no real surprise that those obviously forged documents claiming W. was AWOL for periods of his service time would even make it to Rather’s desk.

Even their own expert told them they better wait, the documents don’t look right. They appeared to be written on a computer (not a typewriter) that was not even around in 1972, but old Dan wanted to believe them so he ran with it.

We all know nobody’s perfect, so even though he ran a story no other news organization would touch, a story so obviously fake that a high school journalism student would take an “F” for running it; that isn’t the main issue.

So he runs it, but when every single document expert in the country says the documents are forged, Dan stood by the story. Day after day, week after week, and even to this day HE STILL STANDS BY THAT STORY!!!

His single-minded hatred of W. has made him delusional, and his extreme arrogance prevents him from seeing what a fool he is.

I looked up the word “arrogance” in the dictionary today; it had his picture under it.

Do we need more Dan? I'd Rather not.

So goodbye Dan, and good riddance.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

A Week History Will Not Forget


What a week this last week has been!

Unlike many of these political spinners, I’m a historian at heart.

I view events through a prism that puts current events in a historical context.

For example, liberals can like it or not, but Bill Clinton will be graded as in the bottom 20, maybe even bottom 10, of our Presidents.

I’m sorry, he never even got 50% of the vote, and his biggest achievement was Welfare Reform, which was forced on him after he vetoed the first two Republican attempts.

Anyway, this has been a truly historic week.

The Middle East has been an ongoing trouble spot for 50 years; now hope for change is in site.

Enter George W. Bush, who’s been a crusader for democracy, and who’s had more resistance from the American media & Democrats, than he has from the Middle Eastern Street.

It’s obvious now; that the elections in Iraq have been a dramatic catalyst for world- wide freedom, but what caused this birth of democracy in the Mideast?

The vision of George W. Bush.

Since 9-11, he’s set the world on a different course.

We can no longer look the other way as repressive Arab regimes crush their own people, just so we can get gas at under $2.00 a gallon (and no! i'm not for higher gas prices, but once democracy reigns in the Mid-East, prices will come back down, that's another column.)

What baffles me about so-called American Liberals, is how freedom is great for us, but for some unknown reason Muslims can’t handle it.

Well, well, well.

Two major events (in history, timing is everything), have started a complete, and forever changing series of events that will eventually lead to freedom in the Mideast.

First, obviously, was the election in Iraq, in which the turnout impressed even the most cynical observer (aka, liberal Democrats.)

Secondly, and more surprising, were the demonstrations in Lebanon, in which their oppressive Syrian occupying Gov’t has relinquished control. 1000’s of Lebanese went to the streets after former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was murdered, most likely by Syria.

Now, when you are angry about things in a totalitarian regime, you want to go to the streets to protest, but you’re also afraid if you walk out the door you’ll be shot.

You feel alone, and you feel frustrated.

However, when you are mad, and you see on the internet, and talk to friends on your cell phone, you realize you’re not alone.

Just like the Iraqi election, where it started slow, but as more and more people saw more and more people heading to the polls, then more and more people joined them.

Communication is the key. Governments that thought that if they could silence the press, they could end communication between people have been left behind in the 20th century.

All of the sudden the people realize that they are the majority, they can rule, they can govern. The taste of freedom is sweet, may every person, every where, taste that sweetness.

And never forget, this would not have been possible, if not for the courageous American soldier who is unfortunately, the anathema of the Democratic Party.

Last week in the NY Times: Egyptian "President Hosni Mubarak has opened presidential elections to more than one candidate."

How nice? Progress continues as freedom marches on.