Location: Mpls, Minnesota, United States

Monday, March 28, 2005

Maureen Dowd Smackdown

The one thing I have to say on New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd's behalf, is at least she's consistent.

She's consistently wrong.

She came out over the weekend with a nearly unparalleled, hysterically specious screed.

I could literally debunk every paragraph of twisted misstatements she spews out, but being I'm writing this pro bono, I'll just pick out a couple of the most flatly egregious mischaracterizations.

Now readers of this space know my feelings about Terri Schiavo, and just by looking at the video of her, it’s obvious to me she’s trapped in a physical situation she’s crying to get out of.

Now that’s my humble opinion, but it’s also the opinion of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R), who it just so happens, is an M.D.

Ms. Dowd claims he’s “become a laughingstock by trying to re-diagnose Schiavo’s condition by video.”

Only at your cocktail parties Maureen, not in the real America.

It also drives me crazy that liberals object to the House of Representatives passing their bill directing the Florida court to basically stop her death, and reinsert the feeding tube until new information about her case can be reviewed. They were only asking for the same due process any death row inmate would get.

But liberals are trying to turn this around and say conservatives are being hypocritical because they’re turning their backs on the principle of federalism, which is patently false and liberals know it, but they think they smell blood in the water.

All they really smell is their own aroma from the toasting they received in the last election (actually the last 3, if you count the ’02 Congressional elections), and unfortunately for them, what they think is the smell of victory, is really the smell of endless defeats.

After Terri dies, there’s going to be an upheaval in American politics.

And the Democrat party had better stock up on nose clips, because they’re going to be covered with the stench of death yet again, and their predictable decline will continue unabated into the meat grinder of history.


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8:22 PM  

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