Location: Mpls, Minnesota, United States

Monday, September 04, 2006

Good Ridence Crock Hunter

I know God will get me for this, but I'm glad that jackass (no pun intended) known as “The Crocodile Hunter,” Steve Irwin is dead.

Remember last year when he was using his own child as bait to tease a crocodile?

These so called "nature lovers," in there own special brand of narcissism, somehow think that they are above the laws of nature, because only they have a special connection to nature.

Like Steven Segal once said, nobody is above the law.

Thanks to a stingray, doing what it does in nature, it sent a tail shot to his heart, and as nature took its fateful course, good ol’ super-human Steve died instantly.

It’s like the guy who climbed into the polar bear cage at the zoo, and then was promptly eaten. I feel no remorse whatsoever for people that stupid.

This is a perfect example of Darwin’s “Origin of the Species,” it’s called cleaning up the gene pool.

If a person is just out for a swim, and gets killed by a jellyfish, or whatever, you have my sympathy, if you intentionally swim with a stingray and it kills you, good riddance dolt.

I feel bad for his wife and kids, but with the callous way he jeopardized their safety, I’m glad Mother Nature got him first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the jackass

5:18 PM  
Blogger Rob Godfrey said...

Bold statement from Anonymous.

9:49 PM  

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