
Location: Mpls, Minnesota, United States

Monday, January 31, 2005

Iraqi Election II

First of all, congratulations to the Iraqi people.

What a historic day in world history!

As Iraqis went to the polls in huge numbers- even with the spectre of beheading by terrorists to vote- these brave people proved once again that the basic human desire is for freedom.

I'm amazed by the jubilation of the voters, when one gets a daily dose of negativity by the MSM (again, heretofore known as the Mainstream Media), one might think those people didn't care about voting, or liberty. What a mistake.

Here we think an election is a success if 55% percent of voters turn out, and the only thing we had to fear was a line.

That's why I went on-line and started this blog 1-29-05, so I would be on record as predicting exactly what happened Sunday.

Only the MSM, Ted Kennedy, Barbara Boxer, and Mark Dayton could not see this coming.

O.K., maybe the Iraqis' didn't rise up after we initially deposed Saddam, but this is the reaction I knew was coming.

We Americans often take our freedom for granted, so personally, I always look to our Founding Fathers as a barometer into history, which then explains the future.

Our Founding Fathers, most of whom were very well off, risked everything- including their lives, fortunes, & "sacred honor" for liberty, and took on what was at that time the world's only superpower: Mother England.

I think we all need to be aware of all the sacrifice others have made, so that we can be so free today that our biggest worry is what's for lunch.

This historic election bodes well for the future of the world; the wheels of democracy turn slowly, but they are relentless.

Why some self-loathing American liberals don't think Muslims deserve, or can handle, self-determination will precisely be their own doom.

As free Iraqi citizens become more numerous, hopefully followed by their neighbors; the American liberal who's on the wrong side of history, is heading for the endangered species list.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Bill Moyers, why even...?

What a mistake I made today!

I tried to read, in the Mpls Star Tribune, Mr. Bill Moyers twisted rambling screed that tried (I think, because it's basically incoherent rambling) to make some kind of a case that religious people are awaiting Christ's return in the rapture, at the expense of enviromental protection.


I read 4 paragraphs and stopped. Then I started watching the end of the Timberwolves game (which wasn't going to well) and decided to try it again.

Again, I couldn't finish it. I'm sorry; but to call him a hack would be an insult to axes and hatchects everywhere.

He claims, based on 2 websites (which obviously, can make any claim they want) 30% of the electorate believes in God, and will approve of wanton distruction of the enviroment as we await Christ's return.

Bill, seriously, put down the crack pipe and just fade away.

And to think, the "Strib" would never publish any of my "brilliant" (ha ha) editorials, but yet they devote prolific space to this incoherent rambling mush?

The Score:

superking: 1

MSM: 0

ps. do you get the feeling it's gonna keep going this way? :)

Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Iraqi Election

I started this blog today because I wanted to get my thoughts on the Iraqi election published before any votes were cast.

Let me state this: whatever the outcome of the election, this is an incredibly historic event- equal in history to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Just the fact that a "real" election is going to take place in the Middle East is of epic historic consequence.

The main stream media (hereafter referred to as MSM), Ted Kennedy, and the usual liberal establishment give no hope to any successful results.

Why they want to deny freedom to the Iraqi people is beyond me.

For partisian political reasons only, they want the election to fail just to make President Bush look bad. How pathetic.

If JFK were alive today, he'd smash Teddy's gin bottle over his head.

I regret the loss of every single American soldiers' life, but this is what they've been fighting for: Iraqi liberty and their right to hold free and honest elections.

This is not, as the MSM would have one believe, a war of conquest, far from it, it's a war of liberation.

American soldiers are fighting and dying for freedom, just like they did in 1776, and if the election is successful the entire course of human history will take a dramatic turn toward world-wide peace.

While I do believe there will be some bloodshed, I think the election will be a massive success.

I just hope our friends in the MSM will cover it as such, unlike the way they ignored the unbelieveably successful election in Afghanistan.

My Mission Statement

First of all, let me thank Blogspot for hosting my site.

I haven't been able to express my opnions like this in a public forum since I stopped writing my newspaper column: "From the Right Side" in 1995, so I really appreciate the outlet.

I'll leave it to psychologists to figure out why, but I have a deep desire to express my opinions, ideas, and general discourse in the public arena of ideas.

I've written numerous letters to the two Mpls-St. Paul newspapers to no avail, cogent conservative thought is simply not welcome there.

So here we go, I hope readers enjoy this escapade as much as I do.