Location: Mpls, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Bill Moyers, why even...?

What a mistake I made today!

I tried to read, in the Mpls Star Tribune, Mr. Bill Moyers twisted rambling screed that tried (I think, because it's basically incoherent rambling) to make some kind of a case that religious people are awaiting Christ's return in the rapture, at the expense of enviromental protection.


I read 4 paragraphs and stopped. Then I started watching the end of the Timberwolves game (which wasn't going to well) and decided to try it again.

Again, I couldn't finish it. I'm sorry; but to call him a hack would be an insult to axes and hatchects everywhere.

He claims, based on 2 websites (which obviously, can make any claim they want) 30% of the electorate believes in God, and will approve of wanton distruction of the enviroment as we await Christ's return.

Bill, seriously, put down the crack pipe and just fade away.

And to think, the "Strib" would never publish any of my "brilliant" (ha ha) editorials, but yet they devote prolific space to this incoherent rambling mush?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on brother!

10:13 PM  

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