
Location: Mpls, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Howard Dean leads Amercian Al-Qaeda

Well, I just watched DNC chairman Howard Dean give another Sunday morning interview, and I’m doing all I can to hold down my English muffin.

This guy lies so much, it’s hard to believe he’s a Dr. and not a lawyer.

Can you imagine being a patient of this un-hinged lunatic?

I shudder one more time.

Once again the American wing of Al-Qaeda (a.k.a. the Democrats) is hammering the President with the ridiculous claim that he is illegally using the National Security Agency to listen in on Americans’ phone calls.

Now, just to reiterate, the NSA is not listening to calls from Joe in Mpls, to Jon in Duluth, they’re listening to international calls.

Think of it this way, when you call overseas, say to China, do you really think you have any right to privacy?

Who says the Chinese Gov’t isn’t listening?

Anyone who thinks they can call overseas and have some sort of privacy right is a fool.

The only people in the entire world who think their own country has no right to tap international calls are the American Democrat Party leadership.

Isn’t that as insane as it is chilling?

With Dean driving the Democrat party bus over the cliff, even wily old Sen. Bobby Bird has jumped out of the window before it’s too late.

Keep up the idiocy Dr. Dean and your party will lose even more ground in Nov.

Canadian Border Shoot-out: Why Guns are Good

I can sum up the problem with modern liberalism in one sentence from an AP story today entitled: “High Speed Chase Shuts U.S.-Canada Crossing.”

Allow me to set up the context of the quote.

Last Saturday, a 43 year old man was murdered in California, and Monday sheriff’s deputies tried to stop a pair of men matching the description of the suspects.

Well, these two refused to stop, and led police on a 100 mph chase to the Canadian border. There was also an exchange of gunfire, and one of the suspects was wounded.

So picture the scene, two desperate killers are leading our officers in a high speed shoot-out race to the Canadian border, now the quote: “An unspecified number of Canadian border agents, who are unarmed, left their posts during the incident because they were concerned about their safety, said Paula Shore, a spokeswoman for the Canada Border Services Agency.”

What! What good are unarmed border guards who flee at the first sign of trouble?

But of course, the liberal Canadian government (well, formerly liberal Canadian government, they were replaced by a new conservative government yesterday) doesn’t believe in guns.

Guns are evil, guns hurt people they would say.

I say thank God they do, and thank God our guys had guns and were able to use them to stop two violent killers.

When liberal utopia runs into the reality that evil exists in the world, it holds up about as well as the Canadian Border Patrol.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Alito Hearings Expose Sen. Dems.


I never thought I would see the complete embarrassment, and so thorough of a thumping, that the Democrat party took this last week in my lifetime.

It was obvious from the start, that Senate Democrats were not at all interested in learning about Alito’s background.

No, they were only interested in their own “face time,” and then hoping to smear Alito as a concomitant sidebar.

It was laughable, as these Democrat windbags, including Senators Biden, Leahy, Schumer, and Kennedy, used 75% of their time to babble incoherently, only to be leveled by Alito in his mere 25% of time left for rebuttal.

It was so obvious these fools were only reading questions prepared by their staffs, because when Alito responded, they could never offer any credible follow-up.

Sen. Kennedy claimed Alito had never ruled in favor of a minority.

Within 24 hours, 4 cases were brought out to quickly refute that irresponsible statement.

You would think that after the way John Roberts ran circles around them a few months ago, that this time around they would be ready with solid questions backed up by facts.

But no, they just attacked with an obvious pre-prepared smear campaign. Can you imagine the complete arrogance that must have taken?

They also kept trying to get him to state that Roe vs. Wade is settled law, which he refused to become pinned down on.

Why? Because Roe vs. Wade is one of the worst decisions in the history of the Supreme Court.

Think about it, what Roe vs. Wade did was invent a new constitutional right (try finding a "right to privacy" in the Consitiution, hint: it's not there), thereby circumventing the legislative process.

The reason Roe vs. Wade needs to be overturned really has nothing to do with abortion, it has to do with correcting a judicial overreach so that the legislative process can deal with this divisive issue.

So far; Bush Supreme Court candidates: 2; out-classed, self-absorbed, Democrat Senators and their staffs: 0.

A Perspective on Pro Sports vs. Real Life.

I know, I know, having New Year’s day off has given me too much time on my hands.

That said, I want to make one point.

We’ve all been watching the efforts to save 13 West Virginian coal miners who are right now buried alive.

Contrast these brave people making regular money, to “La Trine” Sprewell, erstwhile T-Wolve who claimed he couldn’t feed his family on $14M per year playing basketball.

Now, Spree is out of work this year, but these miners might just be out of life.

How’s that for perspective?