I just want to say: thanks MNDOT!
Even though it’s summer, and traffic levels are down, especially on Fridays; they’ve decided to turn the meter ramp lights back on for drivers entering 394E from Penn Ave.
Now, I know some people think MNDOT decisions are made by hapless, micromanaging bureaucrats, but not me.
I mean, hey, when I’m sitting behind a dozen cars on that ramp, and I look left and see traffic whizzing by; I know MNDOT has made another good decision, probably saving my life.
In fact, I completely support these ramp meters.
I know that they have more than likely saved my life nearly every work day, because I sure don’t have the ability to merge my car into freeway traffic.
I mean who does? It’s hard trying to keep your car in your own lane, while also trying to look to your left and judge how to inject your vehicle into moving traffic.
And I don’t even own a cell phone, or apply makeup when I merge. So I really appreciate sitting there for 5 minutes and being able concentrate all my feeble thought powers to figure out a safe merge.
Again, I know people who consider these meters bureaucratic micromanaging, but I point out to them: it has Constitutional precedence.
In Article 377 of the Constitution, it laid out quite plainly that turnpike intersections would have to be managed by off-duty Minute Men with flags.
Heaven forbid if we lost a load of molasses or whiskey, in a crash of wagons.
I know when I’m sitting at the meter my blood pressure rises, but then I don’t have to exercise when I get home.
So, once again, thanks MNDOT.