Location: Mpls, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Jane Fonda Ruins My Night

This worthless piece of human debris should have been hung as a traitor 30 years ago, not interviewed on Larry King tonight.

Harsh hyperbole?

Not on your life.

A little history lesson for our younger readers: in the Viet Nam War we did not lose one battle on the battlefield, we lost the propaganda war.

To wit: the American media, led by the now obviously twisted left wing media broadcasts, see Walter "Papa Stalin" Cronkite and his completely eroneous reporting of the Tet Offensive as a NVC victory, when it was actually a huge failure for them.

Hello? The NVA see the TET offensive as a complete failure, yet the American media reports it as an American defeat!

How do you think that resonates on a college campus, much less a foxhole in Nam(ps. yes, I know there weren't many fox holes because of the water table)?

These are FACTS folks!

Back to Hanoi Jane..

During the war, Ms. Fonda was a very popular actress, yet she saw her way clear to go to North Viet Nam (NVA, the enemy) for a photo tour of their lovely country.

We even have pictures from one of her visits, of her sitting in a NVA anti-aircraft
battery, which had recently shot down an American pilot.

Ho Chi Min, the NVA communist leader at the time, even commented on what a great morale boost it was for his troops to have a P.R. visit from an "American" movie star.

Their morale went up, ours went down.

Jane, everybody makes mistakes, but going on a P.R. tour of the enemy's side while we're AT WAR WITH THEM, is what we call treason. Now you're on Larry King talking about your weight problems!!

That, in and of itself is worthy of hanging by virtue of banalness.

The modern day analogy would be Britteny Spears (no offense Britt) going to a terrorist camp in Iraq to entertain the troops, it helps to legitimize the enemy.

Here's what I will never, ever understand: why do rich America haters like Fonda and Alex Baldwin, who each made a fortune in America, and who love Viet Nam & Russia, repectively, don't just move to these oasis'?

According to my Merriam-Webster dictionary: treason is "the offense of attempting to overthrow the goververnment of one's country or assiting ones enenmies in war."

Hmmmmm. How about a triple neck tie party?

Where's Sean Penn?

The beauty of it is...we remove three bodies, but only one human brain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

talking about you weight problem
once again who is your proof reader.

12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My understanding is that Jane Fonda has admitted that she regrets what she did. Cmon. Like you said, everybody makes mistakes. Let bygones be bygones.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i make mistakes too, almost nonstop, but they don't get american prisoners of war beaten & killed.

10:42 PM  

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